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Due to the extreme cold weather during the winter, all shelters across Ontario experienced surge in the number of people in need of food, cloth, and a space to sleep. On the 14th March 2019, IDDU donated foods and clothes to the Working Women Community Centre (Victoria Park Hub) to be distributed to the less privileged in the community.

Our organization promised to continuously extend our support to the Hub and other shelters across Ontario. IDDU is also planning to extend its support to the less privileged in Nigeria most especially with food, education, and healthcare.

IDDU Canada partners with  Working Women Community Centre Mr. Ibikunle Ibiyemi (2019) IDDU Canada launches a newcomer resettlement program

IDDU supports new immigrants to Canada to integrate into Canadian culture, and also help through job searching process. Below is a testimony of one of the beneficiaries.

“I just wanted to share a quick note and let you know that the Ibadan group are doing a really good job. I’m glad I joined immediately I moved to Ontario. It’s really great how people were easy to talk to, and the willingness to support new comers like me still appalls me.  I was given advice on how to cope within the Canadian environment, how to handle issues at work as the culture here differs from what I was used to back home.

Whitmore, the follow up by everyone with phone calls (especially Mr. Taiwo Azeez), prayers and lunch (our own amala and local soup at Nigeria owned restaurants with Imam Omotosho Ayoub) will forever remain evergreen in in my memory.

Thanks, Ibadan koni baje ooooo!”